Filing for divorce is rarely a decision people make overnight. It is often one that comes after all other attempts to reconcile or repair a divorce have failed. As such, you likely have time to prepare for a divorce before you engage in active efforts to end the marriage.
In this post, we will look at some ways you can prepare yourself, your family and your finances for a divorce, which can make this difficult event a little bit easier.
- Collect financial documentation. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with your finances, including marital assets, bank accounts, income and liabilities. This information will be crucial in negotiating property division and spousal support.
- Create a budget for yourself. Think about car payments, insurance, mortgage and childcare expenses in addition to household expenditures like groceries and utility bills. If necessary, you may think about pursuing an order for temporary financial support. You can also consider seeking professional financial guidance.
- Consider counseling. Divorce is a painful and significant life event, and the process can be overwhelming. Take steps to prioritize your emotional well-being by speaking with a counselor or therapist.
- Talk to your family and friends. Informing them of the divorce directly can be upsetting, but it is often preferable to letting them hear about it secondhand. Telling them yourself gives you the opportunity to answer questions and prevent any rumors or untruths.
- Use social media with caution. During a divorce, your social media use can be used as evidence against you. Be very careful what you say, share and “like.” Consider also unfriending your ex and/or your ex’s family members if there is a risk for abuse or harassment as you go through the divorce process.
One other important thing you can do to prepare for divorce is to speak with a family law attorney. An attorney can help you assess your options, make difficult decisions and pursue your desired outcome. Your attorney can also tackle the legal elements of your divorce so you can focus on helping yourself and your family through this challenging transition.