Divorce is hard enough when everyone is truthful; adding lies to the equation only makes it worse. Unfortunately, people might feel inclined to lie to look better, protect their future or punish their ex. But whatever the motivation may be, telling a lie, including those we discuss below, can have costly consequences.
1.”I don’t have that much money.”
People hide assets, delay bonus payouts at work or misrepresent their earnings to shield them from the division process. However, making false statements on legal documents like a financial declaration is illegal.
Lying about money might seem like a means of self-preservation, but doing so could backfire. You could wind up paying financial penalties or even facing jail time.
2. “My ex was violent.”
False accusations happen far too often – particularly in bitter divorces. People fabricate stories to try and get judges, friends or other people on their side. However, lying about something as serious as a violent or abusive history is never a good idea.
On the other hand, lying to cover up bad behaviors can also have serious consequences.
Thus, it is wise to be truthful. If there are legitimate concerns about a violent history, deal with them directly and with legal support.
3.”My ex is a bad parent.”
Parents trying to get more parenting time or primary custody might lie about the other parent to make them look less capable or loving. However, lying is wrong and can be incredibly damaging to the child in the middle of these cases.
As mad as you may be at your ex, they are still your child’s parent. And unless they are dangerous or will not support your child’s well-being, it can be best for your child to maintain meaningful relationships with each of you. Lying to cut the other parent out can take a tremendous emotional and psychological toll on everyone.
Whether you are considering being less than truthful during your split or your ex is lying, anything less than the truth can cause serious problems and obstacles. You can make things easier – and ensure your divorce is based on facts – by working with legal and financial professionals to pursue the outcomes you deserve.