
Experienced Help With Paternity Issues

Matters of paternity and parentage can drag on for years. All the while, a child may be suffering from lack of child support or even from the absence of one parent. Gain control of your situation and take steps to establish the paternity of your child.

  • Since 1997, Lutz & Associates, P.S., has been pursuing paternity cases to provide the child in question and the primary parent with additional resources, whether they are parent-related or monetarily related.
  • Your child deserves to know his or her parents, and you deserve the peace of mind that comes with establishing your child’s family history. We can help you and the involved parties.
  • Once parentage is established, custody, visitation orders and parenting plans can be created. Our attorney and staff can also assist you with having these orders and plans enforced.
  • We can help bring reality to your situation. In some cases, if the mother does not want a father to be involved in the child’s life, it is better to not establish paternity, since paternity gives rights to the father, as well as the father’s family.
  • Fathers have rights. Once paternity is discovered, we can assist fathers in having documents drawn up that allow them to be more active in their children’s lives.

Contact Our Legal Team Today

Click here to contact a parentage lawyer at Lutz & Associates, P.S., to discuss your case. You may also call us at 253-292-5939, or text our Tacoma office at 253-292-5939. We have handled many paternity cases and can use this experience to confidently pursue your case. You are not alone. Let one of our attentive and dedicated family law lawyers stand by your side throughout the paternity case and advise you of related issues.