Should public health concerns influence your decision to divorce?

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2020 | Divorce

While there is never a “good” time to divorce, the unprecedented events in recent months have created a situation that no one was prepared for. Everything suddenly seems up in the air – from your job to your child’s schooling to your family’s health.

If you and your spouse have been considering a divorce, does it make sense to begin the process now – or would it be better to wait until things settle down? This can be a hard question to answer – especially since the pandemic has no clear end date. Here are some considerations to aid your decision:


During this time, it’s important to prioritize your own wellbeing. Stress can reduce your immunity to disease. Is going through a divorce right now worth the potential impacts on your health?

In addition, you may want to ensure that you’ll have good healthcare coverage once you’re divorced. If you currently have health insurance through your spouse, will you be able to afford the cost of continuing this coverage on your own? It may be worth exploring the costs of COBRA and marketplace options.


Your employment may be less secure than usual – or you may have lost your job due to the health crisis. Can you afford the cost of a divorce during this time?

It may also be worthwhile to calculate the cost of covering all of your own expenses – including rent, insurance and utilities. Is this something that’s financially feasible for you right now?


It’s a good idea to assess the implications of postponing your divorce. While the romantic side of your relationship with your spouse may be over, are you still on amicable terms? Would it be reasonably healthy for both of you to continue living together for the time being? If the relationship is harmful or dangerous – for instance, in cases of domestic abuse – then staying in the same household would be unadvisable.

The decision to divorce is a personal one that only you can make. If you have further questions about the potential impacts of divorcing during the pandemic, consulting with a family law attorney about your situation can be a good first step.

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