Many families like to take an international break from time to time. It could be to see the sights and experience a new culture. Or it could be to see relatives and allow the kids to learn more about their own heritage.
There is no reason this should change when you divorce, but it will become a bit more complex.
As an adult traveling with minor children, the officials at the airport want to know who you are. However obvious it seems to you that you are the children’s mother or father, that is not enough for the officials. They will ask for documentary proof such as your child’s birth or adoption certificates with your name on them.
They’ll also want to know you are not kidnapping your child
Child kidnapping is a major problem worldwide and it’s not restricted to strangers. Sometimes it is one parent taking the children away from the other parent with no intention of returning.
Hence border officials will need to see documentary proof that the other parent has given their consent for the children to travel out of the country with you.
If you turn up without the necessary paperwork you can probably wave your trip goodbye as the officials are unlikely to allow your children to board the flight.
Prevention is best
Minutes before your flight is due to take off is not the time to start thinking about these things. It is far better to discuss them with your spouse during the divorce process and document any agreements you reach.
Learning more about all the things you need to consider during a divorce can make for a smoother co-parenting relationship that benefits you and your children.